Thursday, April 26, 2012

Mac [Miller] And Cheese

Okay. So. Just got into this guy. Mac Miller. AKA Most Dope/Easy Mac. 20 years old. Hailing from Pittsburgh, PA. Self-taught musician. And frankly, worth listening to.

I first heard him in this video with Rapsody:

So then I decided, hey, I liked his flow on this song, why not check him out more?

And this is what I got:

He's pretty nice isn't he? I'm liking whoever is producing his songs. And his flow is definitely dope. I'll be keeping an eye on him. :)

On a completely different subject, I've been really getting into The House Of Silk by Anthony Horowitz. Remember when I talked about a group of books I bought from Barnes and Noble before it closed in my area? I finally got to this one.

To recap, this book is about a Sherlock Holmes case that was one of their most disturbing yet, and Watson kept it to himself for as along as he did because the details would destroy his society if they ever got out. This can tell you either two things:  1) that  Watson was just a big prude who wanted the cases to be more exciting if his accounts were hidden for a century, or 2) that this really was a sick case that even shook Holmes to the core. 

My findings prove it was the latter. One of Holmes' "advisers," a thirteen year old street walker named Ross, is found brutally murdered wit a white ribbon tied around his wrist. The finding leads Holmes determinedly into a frightening conspiracy involving high ranking citizens, and it all revolves around the mysterious House Of Silk. What is the House Of Silk? And why is it so dangerous that to inquire about it had Sherlock almost killed himself?

I'm over halfway into it, and I still haven't found it out, but my suspicions are getting wilder and wilder without anything to really go on here. The only thing I know is that the side case, the one where a man's wife is accused by his family of killing his mother, seems to be wrapping up faster than the House of Silk. 

Oh, Holmes. You are really something. And props to Watson for having the strength to write every single line of dialogue down! What a sharp memory!

I may have a post tomorrow about a new movie I'm going to see, so stay tuned, my friends!


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