Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Day Old Box Of Chocolates (a book, a film, a few songs)

Yes, yes, Happy Valentine's Day and all that jazz. -_-

Nah, just kidding, hoping you' all had a happy valentine's day!

I wanted to add my Valentine-friendly treats on the day, but they are really all-year-round goodies that just happen to work on Valentine's day as well. Plus, this kind of stuff shouldn't just be reserved for that one day, it should be for every day! Any day can be your Valentine's day! Don't be traditional! Be unexpected!


A Book.

Remember A Serious Of Unfortunate Events? Lemony Snicket? Yep, this is the real guy, DAvid Handler, using his real name to write a novel about a girl named MIN who send her ex-boyfriend a box full of little things, and with each item she has a letter that tells a story connected to that item and pointing out red flags in their relationship.

Equipped with illustrations of each item, this book is amazing. I finished it in a couple of hours because I couldn't put it down, and this was in a bookstore over the weekend with swarms of people coming in and out. I noticed none of them.

Then, of course, there's the movies. I said I would give you a quick review of Safe House, and I will. But because I'm trying to do the Romantic thing, I must, today, do I review of The Vow, the second movie I saw on Friday.

A couple made for each other are involved in a car crash and the wife loses her memory of their life together. Instead, she thinks she's in a whole different environment with a different boyfriend. Yeah, must be hard for the husband, but he works to try and bring her memory back with love and respect.
Very sweet, very poignant. Perfectly timed for V-Day. Of course, that was probably the intention, but yeah. It's very sweet. Channing and Rachel have pretty good chemistry!

And, of course, no damn V-Day post would be complete without the top songs to….er…set the mood.
Please note that most of these videos can't be watched on here and gives you a choice to go to youtube to view it. Not my fault. Not what I want to happen. But it is what it is. I hope you enjoy the songs anyway!


1) For those who are caught in the throes of that first romance:
2) For those who are single or recently ex-d and darn proud of it:
3) For those who are planning to propose to that special someone:

4) For those who are in long distance relationships:
5) For those who…uh….are trying to set a mood: 
6) For those who are unlucky enough to have their heart broken by someone they loe:
7)For those who want the spice of 70's soul to set the mood:
8) FOr those who are so in love, it's embarrassing:
9) For those who are trying to win the heart of that special somebody:
10) And finally, for those who find all the love they need within themselves:
Yes, and so it is that we continue our lives wishing and hoping and flirting and fighting and loving and hurting and forgiving, but I hope this post has something to do with that (arrogant, i know.) 


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