Friday, November 15, 2013

Nostalgia Nougat

And Then...

I'm feeling.....nostalgic today.
This Friday, "The Best Man Holiday" is real eased, and all over America people are reminiscing about 1999, when the original movie was released...Nia Long's short hair, Morris Chesnut's grin, Terrence Howard being a lovable jerk, Taye Diggs being the center of all the problems.....ah, good times.
This little bout of nostalgia inspired a deeper one for me, for all my childhood movies. The ones I'd watch as a child on VHS (remember that?) from morning til night on weekends. The ones we make memes about now cuz they're that famous. And the ones with the best musical numbers, because let's face it, that's the best part.
So here are my Top 7 Movies That'll Hold A Place In My Heart Forever.
Note: I purposely spent extra time looking for the dopiest posters for each movie. Below is what I found. :)

The Lion King

If for whatever reason you haven't ever seen this movie, then you have been so deprived of a beautiful experience that all of humanity weeps for you. This is one of those "Disney Renassance" movies (as most of this list will be) that hit me in my little child heart! To watch a young cub traumatized by the death of his father, find his way to the throne after years of trying to run from his destiny, it's just....beautiful.
Most Memorable Moment: Mufasa's Ghost.

A Bug's Life

The first thing I think of when it comes to this movie is the caterpillar who just wanted to be a beautiful butterfly. The main character Flik has the same mindset. He's waiting for his chance to rise above simple worker in his ant farm, and bring his big ideas to the forefront. Especially to keep those Grasshoppers-With-Control-Issues from reaping the benefits of the ANTS' hard work! Flik is the underdog-turned-hero, and who doesn't love a good underdog-turned-hero story?

Most Memorable moment: Flik's Speech--the one that changes everything.


Phil Collins. Made. This. Movie. I know that's a pretty strong statement given how he had nothing to do with the script or the animation and whatnot, but the first thing I think about when I think of Tarzan is the music. As Tarzan the jungle man grows from boy to man, he is comforted by Phil Collins (You'll Be In My Heart), encouraged by Phil Collins (Son Of Man), joined in discovery by PHil Collins (Strangers Like Me), and the movie's overall message is summed up by Phil Collins (Two Worlds, One Family.) And I remember those songs over anything else. So Yeah, Phil Collins made this movie. And Terk.

Most Memorable Moment: Doo Bop Shi Du

Atlantis: The Lost Empire

Michael J. Fox goes on a quest to find the lost city of Atlantis, and not only finds that, but actual surviving people who have questions about their past as he does; meanwhile the crew that has accompanied him on his quest is out for more than a discovery (meaning they want to sell ish for money. typical.)
Now, there are certain things I have issues with this movie about, but let's talk about what I love. I love the visual effects from the start scene to last. I love the musical score even though it wasn't a musical. I love the adventure of going under the earth to find Atlantis. I love Sweets and Mole and Milo and Audrey's two for flinching and Vinny blowing things up. I love that LOBSTER even though it's a heartless killing machine. And I absolutely adore Kida ( especially cuz she's voiced by Cree Summer, who played Freddie from A Different World).

Most Memorable Moment: Kida's Transformation


How many of these kind of Undercover Woman movies did we see as a kid in the 90's? WE had enough of the princess-gets-saved-by-prince stores to last us 1000 lifetimes. But every once in a while, there's a story about a girl who goes undercover as a male for noble reasons bigger than herself, dealing with the gruesome workouts and tough talk that comes with being one of the guys. I guess if being one of the guys means you learn to kick high and punch hard then it must be worth it. Especially if you get to do it al with an Eddie Murphy Dragon. And Shang.

Most Memorable Moment: I'll Make A Man Out of You

Toy Story

"You Got A Friend In Me.....You Got A Friend In Me..." Just hearing that in my head makes me want to sob for all toy-humanity. That's my whole childhood put into one series. Imagine having toys like Woody and Buzz Lightyear fight each other for your affections while you're sleeping. Imagine having an army of little army toys ordering around the other toys in your absence? And then adding more toys in the second movie that were gonna go in storage? And then ever MORE toys that were doomed to a child's daycare until they came up with a clever plan for escape, all to get back to their rightful owner? AND WOULD IT NOT BE AWeSOME TO TALK TO THEM YOURSELF?? We all loved that idea....until we grew up. Like Andy the last movie....(sniffle)

Most Memorable Moment: Revenge On Sid


This is the movie I got the actual CD Soundtrack to. To this day I can recite every word to every song that takes us through the journey of the badass ogre who just don't give a f*ck. He's perfectly happy in his muddy secluded little home, only seeing on on a quest to save the stuck up princess because the little bitty King promised him money for it. And with Eddie Murphy as the kickass donkey ("On the road again, I can't wait to be back on the road again..") YOu already know you're in for rib cracking laughter sessions. I think I'll go watch it now.

Most Memorable Moment: The whole escape from the dragon thing

Excuse me while I go of those movies.


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