Saturday, December 17, 2011

Stirring Up A Lucy

Picture it: a silver screen portraying an apartment. A floral couch with a confutable in front. A piano in the far back. A desk next to the right wall. THe door opens. A handsome man in a suit walks in, throws his coat on the couch, places his things on the desk.
"Lucy! I'm Home!"
"Oh, Ricky!" says a beautiful woman who runs into the living room, wearing a pink dress and patting her flaming red hair. RIcky turns around, smiles, and kisses her.
"Hi, honey! What've you been doing today?"

At that, her faces goes blank, looking at the audience in worry, and you know there is something to hide. Ricky does, too, and his lips purse.
"Lucy.....what have you done?"

Welcome to the start of another episode of "I Love Lucy," one of the most famous comedic shows in TV history. Starting in 1951 and ending completely in 1960, it depicted the life of Ricky Ricardo, cuban bandleader, and his wife Lucy, the beautiful redhead who always tried to get in his acts, despite his constant efforts to stop her. Together, with their landlords and fiends, Ethel and Fred Mertz, they would go on some wild, crazy escapades, like when Lucy thought the new neighbors were trying to blow them up, or when Ricky thought he was going bald, or when Ethel thought Fred and Lucy were courting, or she Fred accidentally gave Lucy cement instead of spirit gum to glue on a fake mustache. Oh, how well we remember those moments of truth when Lucy would realize her mistake and make that "eehh" face. Or when Ricky gets pissed off and starts yelling in spanish (And don't act like you didn't ever try to guess what he was saying.) 
Now, I mention this show because during a late night hair session with my mom--in which my mother and I prettied our hair for the next day--we came across a documentary called, "Finding Lucy." Very insightful, and very funny. We laughed until we grid watching some of our favorite pieces from the I Love Lucy show, like "Vitameatavegamin," and "Lucy Goes To The Hospital." After it was over, mother asked if we still had the season 1 box set. We do, but some of the CD's are misplaced. "Oh, I never got a chance to see them," she said wistfully. 
And into my mind popped the perfect christmas present; Season 2 of "I Love Lucy."  And I can declare this publicly because she'll never read it, and if she does, it'll be AFTER I give it to her. Guaranteed. 
But now, I've gone Lucy-crazy and everyone knows it, except you guys, so I thought I'd share with you some of my favorite Lucy clips that I can find, including the songs and skits from Ricky's nightclub.


And someone made this hilarious compilation of Ricky/Lucy moments that I have to share with you (it made me cry laughing)

Is anyone else puffy-eyed?

Till' Next Time!


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